Constitution of Fife Cat Shelter

(a.) The name of the body shall be the Fife Cat Shelter.

(b.) The objects of the association shall be to relieve the suffering and distress of abandoned cats and kittens by the provision of food, shelter and veterinary attention where necessary. In furtherance there of :-

(b1.) to re-home said animals with caring, responsible people.

(b2.) to promote responsible cat ownership.

(b.3) Fife Cat Shelter shall have the power to purchase, take on, lease, hire or otherwise acquire any property or rights.

(b.4) Fife Cat Shelter shall have the power to sell, let, hire out, license, or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the property and rights of Fife Cat Shelter.

(c.) Membership of the supporting group to be known as Friends of Fife Cat Shelter shall be open to anyone in a non-voting capacity.

(d.) The association shall be managed by a committee to consist of chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer and at least three ordinary committee members. Four members of said committee will form a quorum.

(e.) Office bearers will be voted in at an A.G.M. to be held annually in February or at a time not to exceed 14 months from the date of the previous A.G.M.

(f.) The funds of the association to be managed by the treasurer will be lodged in a treasurer's account at the Royal Bank of Scotland. An annual statement of accounts will be produced at the A.G.M. properly audited by an auditor to be approved by the committee, said auditor will not be a committee member.

(g.) Amendments and alterations to the constitutions will only be made, where necessary, at the A.G.M.

(h.) On dissolution of the association the residuary assets shall devolve to a recognised charitable body which exists for the benefit of animals and to be used for charitable purposes only.