Cats Looking for Homes


Tigger is 12 years old. Neutered and microchipped. No other pets. Outdoor.

Snowy and Bagpuss

Snowy and Bagpuss are 10 months old. Neutered and microchipped. Need experienced owner. No young children or other animals. Indoor.


Thor is 8 years old. Neutered and microchipped. Very experienced owner needed. No other pets or young children. Outdoor.


Freddie is approximately 5years old. Neutered and microchipped. Needs experienced owner. No other animals or children. Outdoor

Bodie and Buddy

Bodie and Buddy are 1 and a half years old. Neutered and microchipped. No information on how they are with children or dogs. Outdoor.


Onyx is 2 years old. Neutered and microchipped. No young children. Unsure of other animals. Outdoor

You can also support Fife Cat Shelter by selling items on eBay and donating a portion of the final sale price - click here to see the items currently on sale!


The new Winter 2024 Fife Cat Shelter Winter Newsletter now available! - Click here.

Fife Cat Shelter was established as a registered Scottish charity in 1993 and as with most charities it is run by volunteers, and is entirely self-funding.

Many people ask why there is a need for organisations such as Fife Cat Shelter, and the sad truth is that the need is there because of the horrendous number of abandoned, stray cats.  We re-home on average, over 400 cats and kittens a year.  This does not include some old timers who are sometimes offered a home by one of our supporters, or those cats who have to be put to sleep through illness or severe injury.

Please note that the donation for a neutered cat is £100, £150 for 2 cats,    £80 for a kitten which is not neutered, and £120 for 2 kittens,( un neutered)   which is paid at the time of collecting the chosen cat. Cats and kittens must be collected in-person by the new owners, and we do not deliver cats under any circumstances. Kittens too young to be neutered by the time we rehome them MUST be neutered by the time they are 6 months old.

Many of our cats are boarded at dedicated Fife Cat Shelter units at two local catteries:

  • Causeway Cottage Cattery Scotlandwell , KY13 9JQ.  
  • Catnip Castle Hotel Cattery just outside Cleish, KY13 0LS

We would recommend both of these excellent Catteries to anyone, as they offer the highest standard of cat care!

Fife Cat Shelter cats always go to a vet for a health check before coming into the main Shelter. 

Causeway Cattery or Catnip Castle Hotel Cattery will NOT accept any cats on behalf of Fife Cat Shelter from anyone who just turns up at the Cattery with a stray or unwanted cat.

Fife Cat Shelter cats are only accepted at these Catteries via agreement with a representative of Fife Cat Shelter and once it has been given a clean bill of health by our vets. 

All phone calls should be made to 01383 830 286 and not to Catteries as these are private businesses, where we pay to board cats in dedicated units.

Fife Cat Shelter Hours*:

  • Monday - Saturday: 9:00am to 12:00 and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Sunday: Closed

*Outside these hours you will be able to leave a message on our answering service and someone will respond during office hours. 

Visitors to the Shelter are most welcome, but please phone 01383 830 286 to arrange a time before your visit. Thank you.